Idle chat with an AI
AI, it’s the all the rage, everyone’s favorite autistic oracle.
No self consciousness, a straight up fruit salad of information packets picked from the web.
Sometimes it’s good to check in with the heart beat of this entity, confirm we’re not yet on the shit list and move forward with more certainty that our technology will save us

Hear No Evil, Speak Some and Do Nothing
These are three essays / posts from the last weekend that encapsulate my feelings on what are seemingly “unsolvable” problems that our representative governments perenially fail to address and will never resolve. It’s just not in the best interest of the two parties or the corporate state that finances them.

Ethical Corporation.
The future of community engagement lies with Pollee. By investing in our company, you become a part of our mission to revolutionize the way communities interact, collaborate, and transform themselves. Join us as a shareholder and seize the opportunity to be part of a cutting-edge company that empowers individuals, supports businesses, and creates thriving communities.

AI, bots, algorithms and social media ?
our climate crisis needs decisive action but our governments really don’t seem to be that concerned, nor does the average man in front of the TV.
This is a meditation on why the nation slumbers, what it might do when it wakes and the nightmare that’s building while we doze. “Humanity’s Moment” by climate scientist Joelle Gergis is the script for the apocalypse adventure reality series being produced and directed by your government with the backing of all our favorite corporations.
Pollee is another choice in a real democracy that makes government accountable to you and everyone else outside the bubble.

The end of deliberation.
The processes of Government & Departmental review have concluded. The rulebook is rejected for being too democratic and non compliant with The aged Act
However, amendments to legislation are not simple or quick matters and can take some time to progress. Until such time that any changes to the Act occur, Consumer Protection is required to apply the legislation as it currently exists. I urge you to continue to liaise with Consumer Protection to achieve compliance with your co-operative rules approval process.

Third draft rejection
I appreciate the offer however I would prefer the Rules be for a Cooperative as it's a far more universal and formally recognised business structure. This proposal is at its essence a business with a financial turnover that creates employment and pays fees for digital services.

Communications Policy, Broome, 2022.
I like where this is heading, in theory, but not implementation. This is still very much a top down driven organisation that makes a promise of keeping you informed, I think somewhat more than engaged, despite the promises.

When realities collide
When legislation actively seeks to stifle innovation and the greater expression of democratic rights as a member of an organisation that any citizen can support through accepting a Rulebook / Constitution, the right to giving consent in the decisions being made for the cooperative.

Rule Book - edit, discovery, draft
A co-operative is a democratic organisation controlled by its members, who actively participate in setting policies and making decisions.

Our intent is that every decision made by theis co-operative is explained and approved by the membership and acted upon by the Board and Executive with full and immediate disclosure of the outcomes.
We will see what the letter will bring, what I know is that this process steals time and costs money.

All Governments Lie.
These matters seem remote, it feels like we're powerless, perhaps we are. Even here, Broome, a sunny tropical paradise of clean living and bright futures, there are lies, ones so many of us choose to ignore because the effect, the cost, is not ours to bear.

The loneliness of the long term map maker
Some years ago as a bit of a thing to satisfy my curiosity I started a map. My supposition is that the development of Direct Digital Democracy tools was the single largest group of builders and dreamers working outside of the walled worlds corporate development.

If there were only this…
I have a life away from this because I don’t want politics to be a career, I want it to simply be a normal part of my daily life, a useful activity, like pulling weeds or fertilising the favoured plants

Commerce in the 21st Century
Let’s help the poor trapped people at WA Commerce, Co-operatives and Associations branch, spring forward into the 21st Century with pride, joy and technology. Time for change, systemic change.

We wanna give banking a better future
Today we’re closing in on lift off, the site is nearly complete. I’ve been looking at bits of code and wondering how we’ll make it work when seemingly simple things fail and I know we have some work to do. The beauty of it is that when we get your support, we get the resource and legal status to trade and strike the deals we’ll need with networks like eftpos, our bank and a credit card gateway to handle the ABA transfers that carry the information you want to tell us how you voted and on what issue and who you’d like to reward.

Ethical expertise.
I’m privileged to work with some amazing people, Alex and Magali are two of that inspiring group and it’s been a journey working through setting up a website with some one who knows their schtik.

Humans in the machine
For those of you who have no idea who I am let me introduce myself - Andrew Chambers, Australian, male, pale, not yet too stale, a citizen of of my shire, state and country who has always asked the question:
Front and centre, Democracy is about you, all of you, working it out together. Work with us to make that possible. Informarians, like a moderator, librarian, publisher, reporter and editor all rolled into one, living off 30c a vote. *
That means you need to spend 55c a vote to help support them, the network and software that makes the opportunity possible.
It’s a small price to pay to say good bye to parliament and hello to government with eyes, ears and accountability, all fully engaged.
*(bonuses, apply liberally to say thanks for good service.)