If there were only this…

It’s a strange place to be advocating for the change of the system of Government. People look at you strangely as if - “Hey that’s way too big too be messing with, why would you?”

I have a life away from this because I don’t want politics to be a career, I want it to simply be a normal part of my daily life, a useful activity, like pulling weeds or fertilising the favoured plants.

Yet, it would seem that everyone wants someone to tell them, show them the way, be the identity behind the idea. That is not me, that is not what Democracy is about.

This is about you, every reader, understanding it’s up to you. You need to trust in the fact we will collectively make much better decisions more rapidly, at lower monetary cost (less waste and corruption to pay for) and visit immeasurably less long term harm on the planet and all the species dependent on it and it’s resources for survival.

When we all participate in the decision making we, individual and collective, become better informed, more positively engaged in contribution and discussion, have better mental health and will look even sexier than ever. What’s not to like?

Pollee offers a means for that to be community business - a co-operative - that can be run anywhere, that creates employment, generates truth, produces a secure, encrypted but open record of the business of deciding issues and proposals.

You have a dependant relationship with your bank already, this is the means to leverage the dependency toward a long term ambit seeking equality and respect between service provider and customer.

Were launching the first co-operative Pollee in July - $20 to buy in and help create the software that we will own to create that better future - we do it together, we stand a chance.


The loneliness of the long term map maker


Commerce in the 21st Century