


Andrew Chambers

Founder of Pollee

Andrew has been writing, talking and presenting on the topic of democracy since 1985. Chambers recognised immediately the capacities for the Internet as a backbone to give voice to citizens and carry the votes to be counted toward a decision.

In 2001 Chambers (and a mate called Dave) ran in the Western Australian state elections under the #votedave banner, an early iteration of this Pollee process. Chambers subsequently also ran as a candidate for Online Direct Democracy Party (ODDP) and represented the interests of Democracy Earth Foundation as an “Ambassador”.

Professionally, Andrew is an Event Production Manager, Lighting Designer and has worked for many West Australian Festival organisations and Companies.

Chambers currently resides in Broome, Western Australia.


 Paul Desmond Parker

Paul grew up on dairy farms in country Victoria (Australia) and had a keen interest in politics from a young age.

As an adult he leans toward Agorist solutions to social problems, believing that knowledge and skills should be as widely distributed in the community as possible.

Paul currently resides in Johor Bahru, Malaysia.